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Mid-Death Crisis


As minions to a once powerful Lich, 3 players must come together to empower spells through their strategic placement and choice of abilities.


  • Lead Audio Designer

    • Implementation

    • Music​

    • Sound Effects

    • Voice Over Recording (4 voice actors)

    • Contractor Managing (audio team of 3)


Team Logo:

In a development team of 24, I acted as the Lead Audio Designer and Composer for Mid-Death Crisis. Over 22 sprints, each a week long, we continuously iterated upon the game's concept and the unique core mechanics within it. This way of using agile project management allowed us to build upon the game without having rigid guardrails or a set path that we had to follow.


With the game running on Unreal Engine 5, it allowed me to implement audio using UE's MetaSound systems. This allowed me to work fast, and gave me more room for creative iterations throughout the development process. MetaSounds allowed me to easily add randomized pitch, sound asset arrays, side-chain ducking, and more into our sound effects and music systems.


As a 'Lead Audio Designer', not only was I creating assets and implementing them, I was also managing a team of two sound designers and 4 voice actors. A lot of time was spent writing contracts for each person, keeping in mind their own workloads outside of this project. Checking in during frequent meetings allowed for the contractors to communicate how much time they had that week to work on the project, setting better expectations and lowering stress levels for everyone.


After the release of Mid-Death Crisis on Steam, it was my goal to release the soundtrack on its own. I added linear endings to the tracks that were originally created to loop, and I spent time mastering each track in Pro Tools.​


You can now find the Mid-Death Crisis (Original Soundtrack) on Bandcamp, Soundcloud, and YouTube!


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