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Where Crow?


"Where Crow?" is a 2D platformer with a new twist to player controls. Jump, glide, and stomp your way to see if you can find the last crow if your field.

Made in 9 days for the 2024 Pizza Jam on


  • Contract Composer

    • Main menu theme

    • Level theme


Joining a pre-existing team of 4 a few days into the jam, I referenced the art assets, and theming of the game concept in order to concept music for the project. Originally, I created the main theme as a demo track in order to get some feedback from the team. Hearing what they had to say about the pacing of the score, instrumentation, and energy was very helpful, and allowed me to then create a more energetic track for Where Crow's first level.


Coming soon to Soundcloud! (links are currently for Mid-Death Crisis)

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